Dhoni’s teammates Harbhajan Singh, Suresh Raina and Ashish Nehra reportedly attended the ceremony. Sakshi and Dhoni have been seeing each other for close to two years, and the wedding is expected later this year.
After completing school at Welham, Dehradun, Sakshi, now 23, studied at the Institute of Hotel Management in Aurangabad. She is based in Kolkata. Her father works at a tea estate in Binnaguri in North Bengal.
Purnima Singh, Sakshi’s close friend and relative, confirmed the news on Saturday evening. “Yes, Dhoni has got engaged with Sakshi today. It has been on the cards for a long time now, and both families thought the time was right to formalise the relationship.
It was kept a very private affair for obvious reasons. The date of the wedding has not been decided yet. Maybe in a couple of days we will come to know, but maybe the wedding is still some time away,” she told The Sunday Express.
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